Early medical rehabilitation after neurosurgical treatment of malignant brain tumours
Aktuelni problemi neurohirurških pacijenata dovode do stvaranja funkcionalne zavisnosti različitog stepena. U procesu postoperativnog liječenja svih tumora mozga preporučuje se adekvatna fizikalna terapija i rehabilitacija u kojoj učestvuje multidisciplinarni tim.
Uvođenjem algoritma funkcionalnih-kliničkih testova možemo utvrditi stepen zavisnosti i mogućnosti uspešnijeg, bržeg i kvalitenijeg funkcionalnog osposobljavanja neurohirurških pacijenata. Prema vrsti fizikalnog faktora fizikalna terapija ima pet velikih cjelina: mehanoterapija, termoterapija, elektroterapija, fototerapija te prirodni faktori.
CILJ RADA: Cilj rada je ustanoviti utječe li rehabilitacija operisanih pacijenata sa tumorom mozga na: njihov brži oboravak, pojavu komplikacija i na dužinu akutnog liječenja
METODE RADA: Ispitivanje je retrospektivno. Studijom su obuhvaćeni neurohirurški pacijenti hospitalizirani na Klinici za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Istraživanje je provdeno u periodu od 14.11.2013.godine do 15.04.2014. godine. U istraživanje je uključeno 50 pacijenata.
DISKUSIJA I ZAKLJUČCI: U toku našeg istraživanja imali smo 54% muških ispitanika i 46% ženskih. Najveći procenat naših ispitanika spada u starosnu skupinu od 46-55 godina, čak njih 32%. Fizikalni tretman je bio uključen kod 43 naša ispitanika (86%), dok kod njih 7 (14%) nije. Kada je u pitanju vrsta fizikalnog tretmana koja je aplicirana našim ispitanicima imamo u nejvećem broju slučajeva 67% vertikalizaciju, pasivne vježbe u 12% slučajeva, blaneofiziokineterapija u samo jednom slučaju, dok se kod 8 pacijenata (19%) fizikalni tertman odvijao na odjelu Klinike za fizijatriju.
KLJUČNE RIJEČI: neurohiruški pacijent, postoperativni tretman, fizikalna terapija, rehabilitacija
INTRODUCTION: Current problems with neurosurgical patients lead to the creation of functional dependence of various degrees. In the process of post-operative treatment of brain tumors, recommendation is adequate physical therapy and rehabilitation which involves a multidisciplinary team.
By implementing the algorithm of functional-clinical tests, could be determined the degree of dependence and the possibility of more successful, faster and better functional recovery of neurosurgical patients. According to the type of physical factors, physical therapy has five large units: mechanotherapy, termote¬rapija, electrotherapy, phototherapy and natural factors.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To determine does the rehabilitation of neurosurgical patients with brain tumors influence to: their faster recovery, the occurrence of complications and the length of acute treatment.
RESEARCH METHODS: The study is retrospective. The study included neurosurgical patients hospitalized in the Neurosurgical Clinic – University Clinical Center of Sarajevo. The study was conducted for the period from 14.11.2013 to 15.04.2014. The study included 50 patients.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The study included 54% of male and 46% of female respondents. The largest percentage of this patients are between 46-55 years age (32%). Physical therapy treatment has been conducted on 43 respondents (86%), while on 7 respondents (14%) didn’t. Regarding to types of applied physical therapy treatments to our respondents, vertical therapy was conducted in 29 cases (67%), passive exercise therapy in 5 cases (12%), balneophysical therapy in only one case (2%), while in 8 cases (19%) physical therapy was conducted on Physical Therapy Clinic – University Clinical Center of Sarajevo.
KEY WORDS: neurosurgical patients, postoperative treatment, physical therapy, rehabilitation
Nastavi čitati Rana rehabilitacija operisanih od tumora mozga