Učestalost elemenata stresa na radnom mjestu

The sources of stress at work


Stres na radu je specifična vrsta stresa čiji je izvor u radnoj sredini. Stres na radu je prepoznat širom svijeta, kao najveći izazov zdravlju radnika i zdravlju njihovih organizacija. (6) Stres povezan s radom je odgovor kojim ljudi reagiraju, kada se susretnu sa zahtjevima rada i pritiscima koji ne odgovaraju njihovom znanju i sposobnosti, i koji ugrožavaju njihovu sposobnost da se sa njima nose.

CILJ: Utvrditi prisutvo, incidencu, nivo i izvore stresa na radu, te njihov uticaj na zdravlje, apsentizam, kvalitet života i radnu sposobnost zaposlenika.

METODE: Retrospektivno presječno istraživanje provedeno je pomoću tri standardizirana, anonimna upitnika u vremenskom periodu 2011/2012g. obuhvata uzorak 270 zaposlenika, mušku i žensku radnoaktivnu populaciju, životne dobi 20 do 65 godina.

REZULTATI: Prisustvo elemenata stresa na radu utvrđeno je kod 137 (51%) anketiranih zaposlenika, svih struktura zanimanja, sa većom incidencom 6 (100%) kod menadžera, od kojih 5 (83%) su percipirali visok nivo stresa. Rezultati studije pokazuju prisustvo i veću incidencu morbiditeta i dugotrajnog apsentizma, kod zaposlenika pod stresom. Stres na radu subjektivno je percipirao veći broj 59 (83%) zaposlenika sa lošom radnom sposobnošću i lošim kvalitetom života 45 (83%.)

ZAKLJUČAK: Utvrđena je povezanost stresa sa učestalijom pojavom morbiditeta i apsentizma, kao i prisustvo stresa kod većeg broja zaposlenika sa lošom radnom sposobnošcu i lošim kvalitetom života. Značajna povezanost incidence i razine stresa u odnosu na zanimanje zaposlenika, pokazuje da je stres prisutan kod svih struktura zanimanja, ali sa većom incidencom i visokom razinom stresa kod menadžera.

KLJUČNE RIJEČI: zaposlenici, stres, kvalitet života, radna sposobnost


Stress at work is a specific type of stress whose source is centered in work environment. Moreover, it is worldwide recognized as the biggest challenge of employees’ health and the health of organizations they belong. Stress related to work is a response of people when they are faced with job requirements and pressures that are inadequate for their skills and knowledge that threaten their ability to deal with them.

OBJECTIVE: Objective is to determine presence, incidence, levels and sources of stress at work and their influence on employees’ health, absenteeism, life quality and work ability.

METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional research has been conducted with the help of three standardized and anonymous questionnaires in the period 2011/2012.

It includes a sample of 270 male and female employees that belong to working population aged from 20 to 65.

RESULTS: The presence of work stress elements has been found at 137 (51%) surveyed employees of all occupational structures. The higher incidence of stress has been found at 6 (100%) managers where 5 (83%) of them have perceived high level of stress.

Results of study show a presence and higher incidence of morbidity and long-lasting absenteeism in workers under the stress. Stress at work has been subjectively perceived by 59 (83%) employees with poor work ability and bad life quality (45; 83%).

CONCLUSION: The relationship between stress and frequent presence of morbidity and absenteeism has been determined during this research. Moreover, a stress has been shown at a large number of employees with poor work ability and bad life quality. Significant interconnection of incidence and level of stress, in regard to employee ocupation, shows us that stress is present at all occupational structures, but with higher incidence and level of stress at managers.

KLJUČNE RIJEČI: employees, stress, life quality, work ability

Nastavi čitati Učestalost elemenata stresa na radnom mjestu

Utjecaj komunikacije zdravstvenih djelatnika na razvitak boli, agitacije i delirija kod bolesnika u jil

Influence of medical personnel communication skills on pain, agitation and delirium development among intensive care unit patients


Visoka razina buke u JIL–u može biti značajan problem, kako za pacijente, tako i za osoblje. Ona je direktni suradnik sa mnogobrojnim čimbenicima za mnogo negativnih učinaka za pacijenta i osoblje, poput poremećaja spavanja, iritabilnosti, agitacije i delirija. Nefarmakološka prevencija i liječenje bolesnika s delirijem je učinkovita komunikacija i interakcija, a odnosi se na poticanje i orjantaciju bolesnika u svojoj okolini, te uspješnu komunikaciju. Naše riječi i naš izgled su naše ogledalo, one ističu kompetentnost i kredibilitet te imaju odlučujući utjecaj na bolesnike .Vještine komuniciranja sa naglaskom na empatiji, osjetljivost za pacijente vrlo su bitne kvalitete zdravstvenog osoblja u JIL- u te čimbenici koji direktno utječu na učestalost i nastanak ICU delirija. Razumjeti, ohrabriti, podržati i poštivati bolesnike koji borave u JIL- u trebao bi biti usmjerenje u komunikaciji zdravstvenog osoblja. Sprječavanje nastanka boli, agitacije i delirija zahtjeva multikomponentalne intervencije te dobru suradnju i komunikaciju članova tima. Zdravstvene djelatnike potrebno je stoga obrazovati za vođenje dobre komunikacije s pacijentima te međusobno u timu.

KLJUČNE RIJEČI: komunikacija, bol, agitacija, delirij


High level noise in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) may present significant problem for ICU patients, as well as for medical personnel working in the same environment. The level of ICU noise is in close relation with various negative effects on the patients and medical personnel, such as sleep disorders, iritability, agitation and delirium. Effective communication and close interaction represent a corner stone of a non – pharmacologic prevention and treatment of patients in delirium. Our words mirror us, asserting our compentencies and credibility, with a strong effects on our patients. Medical personnel good communication skills, emphasysing empathy and sensibility towards our patients, are important and have a direct influence on frequency of delirium development in the ICU. The goal od effective communication in the ICU is understanding, supporting and respecting each patient per se. Multiprofessional approach in pain management, together with agitation and delirium prevention, with good communication and cooperation within everyone in the medical team is fundamental.

In future it is essential to put more emphasis on education of building strong communicational skills towards ICU patients, as well as among team members.

KEY WORDS: communication, pain, agitation, delirium

Nastavi čitati Utjecaj komunikacije zdravstvenih djelatnika na razvitak boli, agitacije i delirija kod bolesnika u jil

Applying the isokinetic and the isokinetic diagnostics at the injures of ligamentum anterior cruciate-acl


Injury to the ligaments of the knee lately is growing among athletes. In the sports literature the term sports knee is more present than before. Fresh injuries of the ligament apparatus essentially represent a serious distortion of the knee, which if improperly are treated can cause serious damage to the kinematics of the knee. According Bousget heavy distortion of the knee means: isolated ACL injury; isolated failures of the last internal angle or popliteus, isolated failures of the last internal angle with desinsertion of the meniscus and at least two or more violations of the capsule of the ligament apparatus of the knee.

The world trends show a significant quantitative increase in the sport and recreation activities dealing with people during their leisure time. Unfortunately, such attempts often result in more damage than good, because they are performed spontaneously, usually without a plan and program, and especially without adequate supervision and preparations of the bones, wrists, muscular and cardiorespiratory system.

Therefore, in such activities sometimes it comes even to severe consequences such as heart attack, stroke, but in most cases the problems usually are associated with the locomotors apparatus. So often we find stretched and ruptured muscles and tendons, wrists problem in terms of ruptured ligament, degenerative damage (mostly cartilage) and in the worst cases even stress fractures of the bones. Therefore, it would be nice firstly to strengthen muscles, to enable the wrists, tendons and bones and only then to start with activity. One extremely effective method for this is isokinetic exercise, whereby the muscles are actively strength without danger of overload of the wrists. That is important in the prevention, because it brings into balance the antagonistic groups i.e. we prepare optimally entire bone-muscle system for the planned recreation.

Isokinetic exercise is the most beneficial for people that have already led to some pathological changes, primarily damage to the joints (injuries, degenerative inflammatory diseases, etc.). After completing the isokinetic treatment it is extremely important that before to proceed with some kind of planned physical activity, as the resulting muscular force would better maintained, and cardiorespiratory system would be developed more.

KEY WORDS: ACL, BIODEX, Isokinetic, diagnostics, knee, injures

Nastavi čitati Applying the isokinetic and the isokinetic diagnostics at the injures of ligamentum anterior cruciate-acl

Kolorektalni karcinom s aspekta medicinske sestre

Nurses knowledge and perception toward colorectal cancer


UVOD: Kolorektalni karcinom nalazi se na trećem mjestu po učestalosti među svim zloćudnim novotvorevinama u svijetu, ali isto tako to je jedan od rijetkih tumora čiju pojavu možemo na vrijeme spriječiti.

CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: utvrditi učestalost kolorektalnog karcinoma na hirurškom odjelu Regionalnog medicinskog centra dr Safet Mujić. Ujedno cilj ovog istraživanja je ustanoviti ulogu i značaj medicinske sestre u provedbi zdravstvene njege ovih bolesnika.

ISPITANICI I POSTUPCI: Provedena je retrospektivna studija na hirurškom odjelu Regionalnog medicinskog centra Dr Safet Mujić Mostar. Ispitanici su bili bolesnici s verificiranom patohistološkim nalazom kolorektalnog karcinoma koji su hospitalizirani na odjelu u razdoblju od 1.1.2011. do 31.12.2013. Broj ispitanika bio je 131.

REZULTATI: Muškaraca je bilo 70 (53,4%) dok je žena bilo 61 (46,6%) (P=0,431). Srednja životna dob ispitanika je 69,5±5,8 godina. Najmlađi ispitanik ima 48, a najstariji 89 godina. Srednja životna dob muškaraca bila je 68,9±6,1 godina, dok je u žena iznosila 71,3±5,4 što se nije pokazalo statistički značajnim (P=0,506). Najčešće izvođena operacija je niska anteriorna resekcija koja je učinjena kod ukupno 47 (35,9%) pacijenata, dok je najmanje učestalo izvođena operacija bila resekcija kolon transversuma koja je učinjena svega kod 7 (5,3%) pacijenata (p<0,001). Najčešće zastupljen stadij kolorektalnog karcinoma bio Dukes B u 48 (36,6%) pacijentata, odnosno Dukes C u 44 (33,6%) pacijenta. (p<0,001). Prosječna dužina hospitalizacije ispitanika iznosila je 13,4 dana, od čega su prosječno 2,7 dana proveli u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja.

ZAKLJUČCI: U perioperacijskom procesu zdravstvene njege bolesnika s kolorektalnim karcinomom ključnu ulogu imaju medicinske sestre-tehničari, te o kvaliteti njihovog posla direktno ovisi i konačni uspjeh liječenja.


INTRODUCTION:Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignant neoplasms among all of the world, but also it is a rare tumor whose occurrence can be prevented in time.

AIM: To determine the incidence of colorectal cancer in the surgical department of the Regional Medical Center Dr Safet Mujić. Also, the aim of this study was to determine the role and importance of nurses in implementing the health care of these patients.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study on the surgical ward Regional Medical Center Dr Safet Mujić Mostar. Subjects were patients with histologically verified colorectal cancer who were hospitalized in the department during the period from 1.1.2011. to 31.12.2013. The number of respondents was the 131.

RESULTS: Males were 70 (53.4%), while women were 61 (46.6%) (P=0.431). The mean age of respondents was 69.5 ± 5.8 years. The youngest participant is 48 and the oldest 89. The mean age of men was 68.9±6.1 years, whereas in women was 71.3±5.4 which did not prove to be statistically significant (P=0.506). The most commonly performed surgery is a low anterior resection, which was performed in a total of 47 (35.9%) patients, whereas the least frequently performed operation involves resection of the colon transversuma that was done only in 7 (5.3%) patients (p<0.001). The most frequent stage colorectal cancer was Dukes B in 48 (36.6%) pacijentata or Dukes C in 44 (33.6%) patients (p<0.001). The average length of hospitalization of patients was 13.4 days, of which an average of 2.7 days in the intensive care unit.

CONCLUSIONS: In the perioperative process health care of patients with colorectal cancer have a crucial role nurses-technicians, and the quality of their work depends directly on the ultimate success of treatment.

Nastavi čitati Kolorektalni karcinom s aspekta medicinske sestre