Pre-hospital care of children in urgent states
UVOD: Hitna stanja u dječijoj dobi odnose se na stanja nastala zbog različitih bolesti ili ozljeda, što ugrožavaju život djeteta ili na stanje djeteta bez vitalnih funkcija.
U dječijoj dobi,kao i kod ostale populacije,hitno stanje nastaje kod dvije važne kategorije ugroženih: jednu čine zdrava djeca kod koje je hitno stanje nastalo kao posljedica akutne bolesti ili ozljede,a drugu kategoriju čine hronično oboljela djeca zbog izostanka povoljnog odgovora na terapiju ili pri potencijalno izlječivim bolestima u toku kojih hitno stanje nastaje zbog sekundarnih komplikacija.
CILJ RADA: Ispitati učestalost hitnih stanja u dječjoj dobi prema spolu, životnoj dobi i godišnjim dobima tokom višegodišnjeg razdoblja; Utvrditi strukturu morbiditeta i mortaliteta hitnih stanja prema životnoj dobi djece;Analizirati socioekonomske faktore koji su povezani s pojavom hitnih stanja kod djece; Analizirati primijenjene medicinske postupke u zbrinjavanju djeteta s hitnim stanjem prije upućivanja u odgovarajuću bolničku ustanovu.
METOD RADA: Zdravstveno stanje djece procijenjeno je na osnovi uvida u službeni protokol Službe hitne medicinske pomoći Doma zdravlja Sapna. Istraživanje je provedeno u periodu od 01.01. 2009.godine do 30. 11. 2014. godine. U istom razdoblju u Službu hitne medicinske pomoći u Sapni javilo se 1.761 dijete od 3.974-ero djece (44,3%).
DISKUSIJA I ZAKLJUČCI: Od ukupnog broja djece koja žive na teritoriju Općine Sapna ispitivanom periodu u Službu hitne medicinske pomoći u Sapni javilo se 68,3% djece u dobi od 0 do14 godina.
Njihova zastupljenost u ukupnom broju pregleda u Službi hitne medicinske pomoći u Sapni bila je 19%. Najveći broj djece s hitnim stanjem definitivno je zbrinut u Klinici za dječije bolesti Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra u Tuzli. Nije bilo smrtnih slučajeva, pa se može zaključiti da su primijenjeni terapijski postupci bili adekvatni.
KLJUČNE RIJEČI: urgentna stanja, djeca, zbrinjavanje
INTRODUCTION: Urgent states in children age relate to states occured due to different illnesses or injuries that threaten life of children, or relate to state of children without vital functions. In children age, as well as in other populations, utgent state occurs in two important categories of threatened persons: first category are healthy children where urgent state occurs as a consequence of acute disease or injury, and second category chronically ill children due to lack of positive response to therapy or with potentially curable diseases during which urgent state occurs because of secundary implications.
AIM:To examine the frequency of urgent states in children age according to gender, age, seasons over the multi-year period; To determine the structure of morbidity and mortality of urgent states in relation with age of children;
To analyze social and economical factors related to occurence of urgent states in children; To analyze the applied medical procedures in care of children with urgent states prior to sending to the appropriate medical institution.
METHODS: Health condition of children was examined based on inspection of official protocol of Emergency Medical Service of Health Center in Sapna. The survey was conducted in the period from 01.01. 2009 to 30. 11. 2014. During this period, in Emergency Medical Service of Sapna 1761 of 3974 (44.3%) children were reported.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: From the total number of children who live on the Sapna municipality area, in the examined period, in the Emergency Medical Service 68.3% of children ages 0-14 were reported. Their representation in total number of examinations in the Emergency Service in Sapna was 19%. Highest number of children with urgent states was definitely taken care of on Children Disease Clinic of University Clinic Centre in Tuzla. There were no recorded death cases, and it can be concluded that applied therapeutic procedures were adequate.
KEY WORDS: emergency situations, children, medical care
Nastavi čitati Prehospitalno zbrinjavanje djece sa urgentnim stanjima