Učestalost elemenata stresa na radnom mjestu

The sources of stress at work


Stres na radu je specifična vrsta stresa čiji je izvor u radnoj sredini. Stres na radu je prepoznat širom svijeta, kao najveći izazov zdravlju radnika i zdravlju njihovih organizacija. (6) Stres povezan s radom je odgovor kojim ljudi reagiraju, kada se susretnu sa zahtjevima rada i pritiscima koji ne odgovaraju njihovom znanju i sposobnosti, i koji ugrožavaju njihovu sposobnost da se sa njima nose.

CILJ: Utvrditi prisutvo, incidencu, nivo i izvore stresa na radu, te njihov uticaj na zdravlje, apsentizam, kvalitet života i radnu sposobnost zaposlenika.

METODE: Retrospektivno presječno istraživanje provedeno je pomoću tri standardizirana, anonimna upitnika u vremenskom periodu 2011/2012g. obuhvata uzorak 270 zaposlenika, mušku i žensku radnoaktivnu populaciju, životne dobi 20 do 65 godina.

REZULTATI: Prisustvo elemenata stresa na radu utvrđeno je kod 137 (51%) anketiranih zaposlenika, svih struktura zanimanja, sa većom incidencom 6 (100%) kod menadžera, od kojih 5 (83%) su percipirali visok nivo stresa. Rezultati studije pokazuju prisustvo i veću incidencu morbiditeta i dugotrajnog apsentizma, kod zaposlenika pod stresom. Stres na radu subjektivno je percipirao veći broj 59 (83%) zaposlenika sa lošom radnom sposobnošću i lošim kvalitetom života 45 (83%.)

ZAKLJUČAK: Utvrđena je povezanost stresa sa učestalijom pojavom morbiditeta i apsentizma, kao i prisustvo stresa kod većeg broja zaposlenika sa lošom radnom sposobnošcu i lošim kvalitetom života. Značajna povezanost incidence i razine stresa u odnosu na zanimanje zaposlenika, pokazuje da je stres prisutan kod svih struktura zanimanja, ali sa većom incidencom i visokom razinom stresa kod menadžera.

KLJUČNE RIJEČI: zaposlenici, stres, kvalitet života, radna sposobnost


Stress at work is a specific type of stress whose source is centered in work environment. Moreover, it is worldwide recognized as the biggest challenge of employees’ health and the health of organizations they belong. Stress related to work is a response of people when they are faced with job requirements and pressures that are inadequate for their skills and knowledge that threaten their ability to deal with them.

OBJECTIVE: Objective is to determine presence, incidence, levels and sources of stress at work and their influence on employees’ health, absenteeism, life quality and work ability.

METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional research has been conducted with the help of three standardized and anonymous questionnaires in the period 2011/2012.

It includes a sample of 270 male and female employees that belong to working population aged from 20 to 65.

RESULTS: The presence of work stress elements has been found at 137 (51%) surveyed employees of all occupational structures. The higher incidence of stress has been found at 6 (100%) managers where 5 (83%) of them have perceived high level of stress.

Results of study show a presence and higher incidence of morbidity and long-lasting absenteeism in workers under the stress. Stress at work has been subjectively perceived by 59 (83%) employees with poor work ability and bad life quality (45; 83%).

CONCLUSION: The relationship between stress and frequent presence of morbidity and absenteeism has been determined during this research. Moreover, a stress has been shown at a large number of employees with poor work ability and bad life quality. Significant interconnection of incidence and level of stress, in regard to employee ocupation, shows us that stress is present at all occupational structures, but with higher incidence and level of stress at managers.

KLJUČNE RIJEČI: employees, stress, life quality, work ability

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