In the case of paralysis of n. facialis, most emphasis is placed on early detection, proper diagnosis of the damage and as soon as possible starting rehabilitation.
Clinically, damages of n. facialis is manifested by rigidity on one side of the face. The patient is unable to raise his forehead while trying to close the eye, eye apple is stepping up to, and reflected the white of the eye, the eye does not close, the oral angle is lowered, and the mouth is drawn aside. Nasal groove is deleted, the eye constantly tears and corneal reflex is lost.
The success of rehabilitation depends on the causes, extent of functional damage to the facial nerve and time of starting with a treatment.
Besides drug therapy in the rehabilitation of paralysis of the facial nerve, an important place has physical therapy, but kinesitherapy is the most important part of all procedures to restore the lost function of the facial nerve.
We apply the following kinesitherapy methods: therapy with position (elongation of shortened muscles of the healthy side and the shortening of the muscles of the patient side); active movements (for affected muscles and others); breathing exercises and general exercises; exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle; neck muscles and for the muscles which are not affected. The treatment lasts for months, and bimonthly repeat course of treatment lasting 15 days. Main complications of neuritis n. facialis are contractures and synkinesis. The scheme for the treatment is prepared according to the results of MMT.
KEY WORDS: neuritis, n. facialis, muscles, exercise, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation
U slučaju paralize n. facialisa, najveći naglasak je stavljen na rano otkrivanje, pravilna dijagnoza oštećenja i što raniji poćetak rehabilitacije.
Klinički, oštećenje n. facialisa se manifestuje sa rigidnosti na jednoj strani lica. Pacijent nije u stanju da podigne čelo pokušavajući da zatvori oči, očna jabućica se podiže i vidi se beli deo oka, oko se ne zatvara, usmeni ugao je spušten, a usta je izvućena u stranu. Nazalni žlijeb je izbrisan, oko stalno suzi i refleks rožnice je izgubljen.
Uspjeh rehabilitacije ovisi od uzrocima, od obima funkcionalnih oštećenja nerava i vrijeme početka tretmana na licu.
Osim medikamentozne terapije, u rehabilitaciji paralize facijalisa, važno mjesto zauzima fizikalna terapija, ali kineziterapija je najvažniji dio svih procedura za vraćanje izgubljene funkcije facijalisa.
Shema za liječenje je pripremljen u skladu sa rezultatima MMT-a.
Glavne komplikacije neuritisa n. facialisa su kontrakture i sinkinezije.
KLJUČNE RIJEČI: neuritis, n. facialis, mišići, vježbe, kineziterapija i rehabilitacija
Nastavi čitati The role of kinesitherapy at the rehabilitation of paralysis of n. Facialis