Značaj cjeloživotne edukacije u sestrinskoj praksi

Importance of lifelong education in nursing practice


UVOD: Put kojim je išlo sestrinstvo stoljećima je vrlo trnovit. Moderno sestrinstvo zahtjeva edukaciju kao prioritet u profesionalnom životu medicinske sestre. Edukacija sestara se ne može svesti samo na usvajanje ljekarskih naredbi i smjernica.Uspješnost medicinske sestre ne zavisi samo o njenoj humanosti i sposobnosti savladavanja savremene tehnologije,nego i o trajnoj edukaciji u prvom redu kroz formalno obrazovanje. Moderno sestrinstvo favorizuje edukaciju kao prioritet u profesionalnom životu medicinskih sestara. Više i visoko obrazovanje medicinskih sestara je prioritet modernih država.

CILJ RADA:Ukazati na potrebu cjeloživotnog učenja

MATERIJAL I METODE: Anketno istraživanje medicinskih sestara uključenih u radni proces u Kantonalnoj bolnici „dr Safet Mujić“Mostar

REZULTATI RADA: Anketno istraživanje je obuhvatilo 72 sestre, prosječne starosti 36 godina.Većina ispitanika je sa radnim stažom od 11 do 20 godina 58,3%.Na odjelu radi 69,4%. Sa srednjom stručnom spremom je 90,2% dok je sa visokom svega 8,3%.U posljednje tri godine seminarima je prisustvovalo 23,6%. Najveći broj ispitanih je najviše naučilo od stariji sestara 68% dok je od ljekara učilo 15,2% a na stručnim skupovima 16,6%.Kao prvi autor i izlagač na skupovima je bilo 6,9% ispitanih..Za svoje radno mjesto misli da je dovoljno edukovano njih 62,5%.

ZAKLJUČAK: Naš ispitivani uzorak govori da je mali broj edukovanih sestara kako formalnim tako i neformalnim obrazovanjem.

KLJIČNE RIJEČI: medicinske sestre, cjeloživotno učenje


INTRODUCTION: During centuries, the path of sisterhood was very thorny. Modern nursing requires education as a priority in the professional life of nurses. Education of nurses isn’t only to follow and perform doctor’s orders. The success of nurses depends not only on its ability to overcome humanity and modern technology, but also on the continued education, primarily through formal education. Modern nursing prefers education as a priority in the professional career of nurses. Tertiary education of nurses is a priority of modern states.

OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH: Emphasising the need for lifelong learning

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The survey involved nurse staffing from the Cantonal Hospital “Safet Mujić” in Mostar.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The survey included 72 nurses, with average age of 36 years. Majority of respondents with 11-20 years of work experience years (58.3% of respondents). From the total number of respondents, 69,4% of them work at the clinical department. 90.2% have only a high school diploma, while only 8.3% of them possess university degree. In the last three years, only 23.6% has attended professional seminars. Majority of respondents (68%) confirmed that they mainly learned from older nurses, while 15.2% mostly learned from the doctors. Only 16.6% attended professional conferences and from that number only 6.9% were the first authors or presenters at those conferences. 62.5% of respondents believe that they are sufficiently trained for their job position.

CONCLUSION: Sample of the research shows a small number of adequately educated nurses, both formal and informal education.

KEYWORDS: nurses, lifelong learning

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